Business Continuity

Taking out Cyber Security services with Charlton Networks is one of the best ways to protect your business from unwanted cyber attacks. However, it is still impossible to fully prevent disaster and downtime. Have you ever considered how your business would continue to run in the event of a flood, fire or even another pandemic?  

There are many different IT Risks that could impact the operation of your business. Being prepared no matter what happens is the very best way to ensure business continuity by minimising unnecessary downtime.

At Charlton Networks we use advanced technology and products to provide unrivalled back up and recovery options. We can provide solutions directly to IT teams or work with businesses to provide fully managed cyber security services and ongoing IT support

Our Backup & Recovery Produts

ALTARO Gold Partners

ALTARO is a virtual machine backup solution built specifically for small and medium sized businesses. Altaro works with both Hyper-V or VMware offering fast backups with less storage, and is fully managed via the cloud. 

We use Altaro to provide an industry leading backup and disaster recovery solution. Its web-based centralised management allows us to monitor customer backups daily, remotely restore data and fully encrypt data for businesses anywhere in the world. 

Complex schedules, retention policies and other advanced settings are also configured, along with a full suite of reporting and alerts that enable Charlton Networks to provide a fully managed backup solution

A powerful solution like Altaro means we can get our customers data or systems recovered in super quick time and ensure system outrages are kept to a minimum.  Altaro can be purchased outright for your own IT department or provided as part of our managed services managed backup via a monthly subscription.

Altaro - Copy
Altaro Partner
Microsoft Gold Partner

AZURE from Microsoft

Microsoft Azure provides business customers with the ability to automate off-site backup, with unlimited capacity, encryption, choice of geographical location and full integration in to the Altaro backup solution, all at cost-effective prices suite to SME business. 

The Azure ‘plug in’ for Altaro means that Charlton Networks can recover clients data or systems from this off-site storage location in the event of a local site disaster, such as a fire or other major incident. It also provides Charlton Networks customers’ with a cyber-recovery solution, where data can be recovered in the event that local data is encrypted via a ransomware attack

Our Backup & Recovery Solutions


The ultimate protection form business downtime and disaster

Managed backup and recovery protects against accidental loss of user data, database corruption, hardware failures and even natural disasters. We remove the headache of customers managing and monitoring their own backup systems by ensuring backups are reliable and correctly configured. 

As well as doing the heavy lifting we’ll ensure you’re meeting compliance standards and recovery data quickly in the event of an emergency. And, because our solutions are all cloud-based this means we can support business across the world. 

Why Work With Us

At Charlton Networks we believe in the transformative power of our technology. Our backup and recovery products and solutions are the industry leading and protect businesses from prolonged downtime. As IT experts we can ensure that your business will achieve more.


Flexible solutions

On-demand, monthly, or annual contracts to suit you

Multi-device support.

Gold Partnership with leading software providers

Prevention and protection again ransomware

Virtual high level and user level guidance

Remote IT support solutions for business

Disaster Recovery

Most businesses are reliant on functioning IT systems and access to data. This is why it is vital that business have a plan in place to recover from any sort of disaster.

Disaster recovery planning looks to identify and manage IT risks and potential mitigating actions by creating disaster recovery scenarios. By working with us we can help you to identify risks, and build a robust business continuity plan and disaster recovery to help you recover quickly. 

Get Backed Up!

Interested in finding out what your vulnerabilities are?  

Begin with a FREE IT Audit.